Dear #Portlandia, #callme #maybe #please…

One of the perks of being a female athlete in high school is that you don’t have to put your weight in the brochure. Guys have to do it, both in wrestling (duh) and in football. I used to pray to God to thank him for this one grace when I was younger. It’s the one time he was sure to get my gratitude.

Besides Weight Watcher’s and the brief introduction to weight training in junior high, I have only given full access to my weight records to doctors… until this June. Near the end of June, I took a huge leap and signed up to be an extra with Portlandia, an opportunity I’d never heard of as I’ve always lived in Oregon and Idaho and never California where the real acting magic happens. But my mom told me about the call for extras and I was in.

Along with my application, I had to send photos. That’s right, I had to send photos. Unfortunately, I didn’t take time or have a photographer in mind to take new photos for me so I went with what I had.

Here’s the shot I sent. I like it because I remember how bored I was when I took it.

I suppose, I could have gone with a bolder statement.

I know. This dress on my generous body is just wrong and I’m sorry Ross, for taking a picture in your dressing room, but in a show like Portlandia, do you think a picture like this would get me further as an extra? Probably.

I’m still crossing my fingers. The extras coordinator of Portlandia knows my name, age, weight, height, and has a general idea of what I look like on my good days. I’m hoping to get the call. I’d sure love to jump into a week of Portlandia. Yeah, that would be pretty awesome.